..that’s what little boys are made of.  Well not quite.  But with a  few snips you can make yourself a little boy.  Card that is.. not a Pinocchio wanna be!  After being inspired by this post to make this little baby girl card . . .

Baby girl growsuit card

Baby girl growsuit card

. . . . I thought that I would try to modify it (other than just the colour) so that it was more ‘boyish’ and suitable for a card for a ‘little man’. It was one of the cards that we did at the Chelsea Heights Community Centre workshop last Saturday and everyone really enjoyed it. And I think it’s pretty cute too!  The scraps from there the neck and legs were punched out were used for the pocket and buttons (or the bear’s face, according the Raych…..)

Dungarees in Good Morning Sunshine

Dungarees in "Good Morning Sunshine'

So there was this little man in my lime tree…..  hold on, there’s another one!

I used the Urban Garden Designer Series Paper for this little fellas outfit.  I think that I will be making a whole lot more of these, they are really quick and fun to do.

Now here’s a quick hint….

Remember my convention swaps production line? Well, one of the cards had a wee greeting popped up on Stampin’ Dimensionals . . .

Theres actually about 65 of these little labels that have been dimensioned

There's actually about 65 of these little labels that have been 'dimensioned'

. .  . so that was about 130 backing sheets I needed to get off.  Have you heard about the easiest way to get those wascally bits off? Use your thumbnail and give it a crease . . . .

Like this......

Like this......

and it should pop up the paper on the points, making it easier to get it off. Isay should as the only times it doesn’t work is when you’re showing someone  how good this little tip is!  You can kinda see what I was doing with the labels in the top left hand corner (you can also see where I was trying to work out how many pieces of paper I was going to get out if I cut it 4 times. As it was, I seemed to be forever cutting ‘just a few more bits of this..’ and ‘a couple more of that’ ).  There was also some crimping happening there too.  I was trying to do ribbon-look-alikes and I’d shredded the cardstock, (production line approach to cutting  a lot of long thin bits of paper) but it looked flat.  So I decided to crimp it. And here’s how you crimp a whole lot of skinny strips at once…..

They go in this way.....

They go in this way.....

..... and come out looking like this!

..... and come out looking like this!

I love my crimper… It’s just sooooo crimpy! Okay, I think that just plain og’ making up words signals that it’s time to go to bed!  But before I go, I’ve got a few of these swaps leftover from convention ~ if you would like one, please email me with your details and I shall pop it in the post

Have a great weekend and, pending photographs, I promise another post really soon (I’ve been water-colouring this weekend!)

Take care,
